Wednesday 2 January 2013

Christmas, New Years and Sickness.

Well hello lovelies!

It's certainly been a while! I hope everyone had a great Christmas! Ours was fairly quiet, little man was at his Dad's house until tea-time and then I picked him up and took him out to my Mum's house for a great big tea. Dee-lish. He got so spoilt though! It seemed like every single present was for him!!! I'm sure he wasn't complaining though!

I hope everyone has had a fantastic New Years as well! It has been absolutely stinking hot here so we spent the day in the pool, I finally got my little man to come in for a swim! (Two days before he cracked the shits - big time, when I tried to take him in) And then it was a BBQ tea and some drinks to bring in the New Year with friends, shame I had to be the sober one but its now only 5 MONTHS until I have my beautiful bouncing boy!!

OH I just realised, it must have been that long since I've blogged!!! I went for my Foetal Anatomy Scan on the 20th of last month and everything is a-okay and we are expecting a little boy! I am so super happy as I wanted a boy, and so did the Big Man, the only one who is unhappy is Lukey as he was so set on having a baby sister, but I still have time to get him used to it!

 Christmas Fun

 Battling heatwaves in the pool with my man. Pregnancy in summer is hell.

 Finally got the Little Man swimming, then couldn't get him out!

This photo pretty much sums up what my N.Y.E. was all about.

Love when he pinches my camera and takes his own pics. Look at those adorable toes!

Beginning the New Year sick as a dog, iPad and books are about all I can manage.

So I can't believe how sick I am, I'm a little upset because I didn't drink on NYE and I'm the only one who ended up sick (granted, it's not a hangover, but I still feel like I don't deserve this!!) I'm super thankful for my amazing man who looked after Lucas all day yesterday whilst I was dying in bed, and my wonderful Dad today who on a whim decided to take him just for fun! Being sick is horrible, but trying to look after a two year old and worrying that all the while you are going to make him as sick as you is the pits.

I'm sorry this post has been a little disjointed, my brain isn't working properly today, can't tell if its pregnancy brain or because I'm sick, or maybe a combination of the two.. All I know is all I'm good for at the moment is sitting quietly or sleeping, perhaps I may start a new crochet project today, I finally finished my popcorn bag! Photo's to come later, obviously!

New Year's Resolutions:
  • To be a better Mum. (Not saying I'm a bad one, just want to be a better one, especially with the prospect of two on the horizon, I want to be more organised and more fun, and handle not sleeping so much.. Super Mum here I come!)
  • To get my body back, and regain fitness after Bub is born. (No brainer really, but I'm hoping I can stick to this one.. I don't have to be super fit or anything stupid like that but I would like to make the time to go for family walks and things like that.)
  • To continue my 365 project. (This one I'm fairly sure I will keep, I do it through my facebook and I've done two before, okay - one and two thirds.. But I know I can stick to it and it's a relatively simple thing to do!)
  • To keep a gratitude journal. (Three things every day that I am thankful for, because I know I need something that I can look back on when the shitty days hit.)
I think that's a fairly reasonable list, of course, there are many other little things that I'm hoping to be better at too, like finishing projects that I start, not sweating the small stuff, being cleaner and more organised.. But they aren't my big resolutions! 

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year everyone, I'm off to soak in a cold bath to try and get rid of this damn flu and clear my head!


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