Friday 7 December 2012

Organisational Difficulties.

Okay! I think I've figured it out.. The "side table" that we scored from the Op Shop is actually a telephone table, that you used to sit on to chat away, with the drawer for your phone book, I think that's about right anyway!

My house is slightly chaotic at the moment, (tea & chaos, have a visit and it's fairly easy to see where I got the name from!!) I'm in dire need of some serious organisation.. The only problem is, is that I have way too much stuff for my own good.. (Is that even possible, YES I think so.) Perhaps I don't really have too many things, I just have terrible organisation (true.) and a lack of storage space (not as true, I just don't use what I do have terribly well.) With another munchkin on the way, I seriously need to get my ass into gear and start doing a big sort, chuck and store, I just can't bring myself to do it, (can someone say, exhausting?!) I have PILES of old baby clothes from when Lukey was little, hoping to re-use them with the next one (fingers crossed for a boy peeps! Find out on the 20th!) and mountains of old cooking magazines that need to find a good home. And it's not just my physical stuff that needs sorting either.. You should check out all my photo's, and my ipod, I even have quadruples of the same songs! Argh! So time consuming, but I promise one day I will be Miss Super Organised Mum with a spotless house and all the time in the world because my home runs so efficiently. A girl can dream right? Well, at least I have the whole weekend ahead of me to get stuck in to it. (I say this every weekend, somehow it never really eventuates..)
If anyone has some good organisational tips I would love to hear them, as long as it doesn't involve throwing away everything I own! (It's my stuff, it's 23 years worth of collecting!)

I hope everyone's got a nice relaxing weekend planned, or perhaps a lovely fun-filled party weekend, it is the silly season after all! Enjoy!


P.S; Don't even get me started on my wool basket.. Which may or may not have overflowed and became a wool corner/floor covered in copious balls of wool. Hmm.

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