Thursday 13 December 2012

Play Dough and Nail Polish


I'm in a supremely good mood this morning, not too sure if it can be attributed to the hazelnut latte, the slight sleep in or the fact that yesterday was so god-awful horrible that there was no way today couldn't have been better already! 

I'm trying to upload some photo's from my Instagram for you but I can't figure out how to do it, I may have to plug my phone in, grr! But, to make my morning even better I've finally caught up with Fox in Flats #DAREcember on my Instagram, (I've been lazy and feeling horrible, it's a terrible combination!) AND even better!!! My Revlon Colourstay nail polishes came in the mail this morning! Whoopee! 6 brand new colours and a base and top coat! Mama's giving herself a manicure this arvo, when the terror goes to his Ma and Pop's! (Bliss, a break!)

One HAPPY mama this morning!

So yesterday was horrible, as I already mentioned, Little Man is trying to give up his afternoon nap, (Later Mum, later!) and he definitely is not ready for it because by 4.30 he is a big grumpy mess! But by then it's too late for him to nap because he won't sleep at night, argh! So we set up his little table in the loungeroom and I got the play dough out and we had fun making snails and tea-cups and worms. I also got the chance to watch The Jackal, take my mind off how damn stressed I am at the moment! But then it all went down hill and by the time Big Man got home I was a blubbering mess, (damn you - hormones!) But he did bring me the newest Mollie Makes, and then I had a visit from my favourite DJ, so life was pretty alright by the end of the day.. (as alright as it could be anyway!)

One TIRED and GRUMPY mama. But still ready for fun.

So enjoy your day everyone, and know that mine is still fantastic! (Manicures here I come! Yeeha!)


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