Sunday 10 August 2014


Do you think it's odd that even people who are surrounded by many people can feel lonely? I should be the LEAST lonely person on the planet with the amount of awesome people that are around me, but with my best friend jetsetting off to Europe for 6 months this is the prospect I am faced with. I know with Facebook, Instagram and Skype she's really not that unreachable, but it's still so different than knowing she's just down the road when I need her. She's my Maid of Honour too, lucky we don't get married until the end of next year but the bitch isn't even going to be here for half of my planning and crafting time! Lol. She's the one I can relate to on every level, it's not often that you find someone who just gets you. Someone you can go years without talking to and know that nothing changes. This isn't the first time she's left, she missed the birth of my smallest man because she was living it up in Coral Bay, and she doesn't even live in my town at the moment anyway, but that's besides the point. She's going to be all the way on the other side of the world, and I'm going to be here, slightly lonely.

Lucky I have my awesome family to keep me occupied. 

Will miss your face Yodz. Have a blast and a half!

*Disclaimer; I wrote this post last week, she's off today, so only fitting that I post this now and can wallow in self-pity a little.

Who am I kidding, I've been sitting beside the pool in my bikini in the sun.. Life is grand! But I will miss her. Heh.


1 comment:

  1. I just read this and bawled like a baby! I am now going to read one of your letters because I'm a sucker for punishment. I love you and miss your sexy face!xxx I should have some down time this week so would love to skype.
